Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Taking the "major" out of "major holiday"

Well, Easter has come and gone. I don't know if it really need to be said, but Easter is not a Japanese holiday. So where as in America, at the very least, you are constantly reminded by bunnies and eggs everywhere, I kinda forgot that Easter was this month, because there are none of those typical reminders that we are so used to. I didn't miss Easter. I just said, "oh! tomorrow is Easter, right?" So, we had an Easter message at church. That's about all the Easter there was. I had to chuckle at the thought of how I am in the habit of doing so much (the church service on Friday before, on Sunday, and Easter dinner with family. chocolate too, I guess) and how here there wasn't really anything. I don't know if I'd call it culture shock, but it's definitely another reminder that I am not home... and I'm not in short supply of those at all ^_^

The new semester starts in a week or so, which means there is going to be a lot going on in April. I'm looking forward to it.

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